Tuesday, September 14, 2004

More things about me

41. I'll try almost anything at least once.
42. The first album I bought was Druan Duran's Hungry Like the Wolf.
43. I still like Duran Duran.
44. Boston is my all time favorite city.
45. If I won the lottery tomorrow, I would pack up some clothes and essentials and take off with a one way ticket to Ireland.
46. I still hold some small thread of hope that love is not a four letter word.
47. Sometimes I talk too much.
48. I have a very bad tendency to put other's needs and wants ahead of mine.
49. When I was in the fourth grade I ran into a brick wall while playing tag and still have the dent in my forehead to prove it.
50. The sound of rain against my window is the best lullaby I can hear.


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