Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Here we go, in no particular order....

All right folks, at the request of someone named James who stopped by the main page a few weeks ago, here's a little list of things about me. I'm not going to limit the number and things will be added or removed as I see fit, because, well, it's my blog and I want it that way damn it.

All you ever wanted to know, but were too afraid to ask about the one, the only, Agategoddess:

1. I'm a Saggitarius
2. I started kindergarten when I was four because the cut off for the school district I started in was after my 5th birthday.
3. Blue is my favorite color.
4. I'm slowly becoming partial to pink.
5. At one point my shoe collection rivaled Imelda Marcos'.
6. I've lived in South Central Pennsylvania most of my life. And I'm not proud of it.
7. Travelling is a passion. When I have the money.
8. If I could go back and do it again I'd change my college major to comm/journ.
9. I graduated from college in 1997 with my B.A. in History, minor in Govt.
10. My little sister is 21 and married.
11. I'm 28 and not.
12. When I get bored with my appearance I change my hair. For the time being I'm blond.
13. Since I have been able to vote I've participated in every primary and general election.
14. I've been a registered Democrat for almost all of my voting history.
15. All time favorit movie, Gone with the Wind. Close second is a tie, Monty Python's Search for the Holy Grail or Life of Brian.
16. I play ice hockey on an all women's team.
17. This past spring I ran in my first 5k race. I finished in 36:18 and I'm proud of that fact.
18. Bethany Beach, Del. is my favorite place to vacation domestically.
19. My trip to Ireland two years ago was the most exciting moment of my life. I still talk about much to the consternation of my friends and family.
20. I've got three tatoos. The first was the red fish from Dr. Seuss's One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish, second was a Celtic knot on my left ankle that means eternal life and last was a daisy on my right chestal area.
21. I've tried internet dating. It didn't go so well.
22. Currently I'm dating (I guess that's what you'd call it) a very sweet, very cool, very nice guy who unfortunately lives in a different town about 45 minutes away.
23. We don't see each other as much as I'd like.
24. I'm still very close friends with all of my high school friends.
25. I miss my last job.
26. Sometimes I let my imagination get ahead of me.
27. Sometimes I'm way too competative for my own good.
28. I'd like to take a trip to Wales, where my great-great-grandmother was from.
29. My extended family is very large and very Irish. I see them more than I really want to.
30. Chicken with carrots, potatoes, onions and biscuits on top is my all time favorite meal.
31. I would rather spend my time at a baseball game, wearing jeans and a t-shirt with a beer in my hand than be dressed to the nines in an evening dress at some fancy function.
32. There are a few things I've done in my life that I deeply regret.
33. There are a few things I haven't done in my life that I deeply regret.
34. I didn't go to my senior prom.
35. Someday I'd like to live in another state. Even if it's only for a few years.
36. My favorite ice cream flavor is Mint Chocolate Chip.
37. I played soccer from the age of 7 through college.
38. My alcohol tolerance has gone waaayyyy down since I graduated from college.
39. I didn't try my first alcoholic drink until I was a freshman in college.
40. U2 is the world's best band. Ever.


Blogger June said...

Mint chocolate chip ice cream: white or green?

This is very important, so please choose your answer wisely.

9/09/2004 1:33 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Green, of course! I also had a flavor of ice cream last night that will probably take you back a few years to our days at Ship...grasshopper pie!

So good I thought I was heaven.

9/09/2004 7:16 PM  
Blogger June said...

Wow - grasshopper pie!! Do they serve that anywhere except the dining halls at Ship?

9/20/2004 7:15 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Mack's Ice Cream in this charming little podunk town. Now you need to come down for a visit and some ice cream!

9/21/2004 4:30 PM  

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